cara daftar adfly secara mudah

19.27 priyoh 0 Comments


Istilah '' atau 'kami' atau 'kita' mengacu kepada pemilik website 'x19 Terbatas' yang memiliki kantor terdaftar x19 Limited,
27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX. Nomor pendaftaran perusahaan kami adalah 05995703, terdaftar di Inggris. Istilah 'Anda' mengacu pada pengguna atau pemirsa dari website kami. Istilah 'Konten' mengacu pada situs yang Anda gunakan dalam hubungannya dengan Layanan.

Yang dimaksud  Publishers
General Rules - These apply to all linking methods:
  1. Do not advertise links directly on any form of traffic exchange / PTC website.
  2. Do not place links anywhere that may contain adult material (including advertising).
  3. Do not shrink any website URLs that contain adult material.
  4. Do not offer any incentive for a visitor to click the link, including gifts/points/cash.
  5. Do not ask/beg people to click on an link simply to generate you revenue, they must want to visit the destination website.
  6. Do not create 'redirect loops' with similar services (or to generate revenue.
  7. Do not create spam with links anywhere, including forums / chat / comments / blogs.
  8. Do not participate in click 'rings' where you click on links in return for others to click yours.
  9. Do not open an link in a popup / popunder or iframe.
  10. Only the link must be opened when a user clicks on the link. No other links / windows must be opened.
  11. It is permitted to automatically redirect to an link only with a HTTP Redirect (unless using one of our preapproved scripts, available on the website). JavaScript redirect or meta-refresh is not allowed.
  12. We recommend the following services if you wish to redirect,, and
  13. If redirecting to an link, the original link for the purposes of this agreement is classed as the ' link'.
  14. The only legitimate way to open an link is with a mouse click, on the actual link. *
  15. You may click on your own links 1 time to test them. You may not create links solely to 'test'. **
  16. We reserve the right to not pay for advert views generated by the owner of the account, on their own links.

* Does not apply to the links / views generated by the 'Website Entry Script'
** Does not apply to the links / views generated by the 'Website Entry Script' and 'Full Page Script'.

Extra Rules for the 'Website Entry Script' -
  1. Do not advertise any webpage containing our 'Website Entry Script' directly on any form of traffic exchange / PTC website.
  2. Do not place the 'Website Entry Script' on any website that contains adult material.
  3. Do not offer any incentive for a visitor to click the a link that contains the 'Website Entry Script', including gifts/points/cash.
  4. Do not ask/beg people to visit a URL containing the 'Website Entry Script' simply to generate you revenue.
Visitor Criteria - You will be paid for a visitor that clicks on an link or views a website containing the Website Entry Script, providing they meet the following criteria:
  1. Must view a paying advertisement, this is any advert other than the default website.
  2. Must view the paying advertisement for at least 5 seconds.
  3. Must have JavaScript and Cookies enabled.
  4. Must have Adobe Flash installed and enabled.
If any Publisher is found or reported breaking any of the rules above or below in the detailed Terms and Conditions, their account will be removed and all earnings forfeited.
General Rules - The following are not allowed on advertisements displayed on our network:
  1. Popups / Popunders or any windows automatically.
  2. Malware, spyware, exploits, viruses or any malicious code changes the visitors computer in any way.
  3. Cookie stuffing.
  4. Adult content or adult themed website, this is at the discretion of
  5. Any form of frame breaking scripts - our header must remain intact.
  6. Anything related to illegal activity.
  7. A competitors service or anything that may 'trick' the visitor.
  8. We reserve the right to decline any advertisement on, with a full refund.
If any Advertiser is found or reported breaking any of the rules above or below in the detailed Terms and Conditions, their account will be removed and all advertising stopped.
Visitor Criteria - You will be charged for a visitor that views your advertisement by either clicking on an link or viewing a website that contains our Website Entry Script, providing they meet the following criteria:
  1. Must view a paying advertisement, this is any advert other than the default website.
  2. Will view your web page for at least 5 seconds. *
  3. Will not be a proxy server. Unless you have purchased our 'Proxy Traffic' package.
  4. Will be on an IP located in the country that you are targeting.
  5. Will have JavaScript and Cookies enabled.
  6. Will have Adobe Flash installed and enabled.
  7. Will be a unique visitor in 24 hours.

* Providing your website loads in an acceptable timeframe. If you website is down or very slow loading, the user may get the chance to get the Skip Ad button before your site is loaded. You will still be charged for this traffic.

Cara daftarnya gini. 

Buka halaman situs 

Klik join Now > masukan informasi yang diperlukan > I agree to the terms and conditions > Join
Buka email > klik link untuk verifikasi.
Log in dengan email dan password.
Mulai mendapatkan uang dengan memperpendek URL menggunakan Adfly.
Bayaran yang akan kita terima dari Adfly akan dihitung apabila ada orang yang berkunjung ke halaman URL yang diperpendek menggunakan Adfly tersebut. Sebelum tiba pada halaman sebenarnya, orang yang telah mengklik URL Adfly akan diarahkan pada halaman iklan. Pengunjung tersebut harus menunggu selama 5 detik untuk kemudian mengklik SKIP ADS untuk melanjutkan berkunjung ke halaman sebenarnya.

Penggunaan Adfly pada blog harus diatur dengan bijak agar pembaca kita tidak merasa terganggu dengan waktu tunggu selama 5 detik sebelum dapat melewati halaman iklan untuk menuju ke halaman sebenarnya.

Agar lebih maksimal dalam mendapatkan bayaran, kita dapat menempatkan URL yang telah diperpendek menggunakan Adfly pada blog, jejaring sosial, hingga forum di Indonesia maupun manca negara. Kita juga dapat menggunakan link referral dan mengajak orang lain untuk mendaftar Adfly menggunakan link referral guna meningkatkan bayaran. Kita juga tidak boleh melakukan klik pada URL Adfly sendiri untuk mencegah pelanggaran dan penghapusan akun.

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